Kym is a graduate of Kennesaw State and Lanier Tech. As part of her duties at Young and Tanner, Kym is responsible for insurance billing, accounts payable/receivable, and payroll. Kym says one of the best things about working for our office is that everyone is truly a team player, willing to step in and fill whenever they’re needed. She also says we have the best dentists who truly care about their patients. When you meet Kym, you’ll find that she’s caring, honest, reliable, empathetic, and compassionate. She grew up in a family that was in the healthcare field, so Kym has always been drawn to it. Dental hygiene is an important part of our everyday health, and she enjoys knowing that she’s part of a team who’s helping to keep patients healthy. In her free time, Kym is usually with her kids in Canton with their three dogs and a fish. She also travels to North Carolina regularly where her fiance currently lives.